Our services Julien PILLER (1ère consultation ou consultation de suivi en physiothérapie) (30min) David Palma (first consultation or follow-up consultation) (30min) Physiotherapy session (30min) Julie SHARAIHA (physiotérapie à domicile) (1h) First Physiotherapy Session (45min) Laura BARBERA (1ère consultation physiothérapie enfants/ados 3-18 ans) (45min) Laura BARBERA (consultation de suivi adulte 18 ans et plus) (30min) Laura BARBERA (consultation de suivi pour enfants/ados 3-18 ans) (30min) Laura BARBERA (consultation physiothérapie bébé 0-2 ans) (45min) Laura BAXARIAS (rééducation du plancher pelvien et uro-gynécologique) (30min) Laura BAXARIAS (drainage lymphatique) (45min) Romain VAUDAUX (consultation massage thérapeutique) (1h 15min) Romain VAUDAUX (consultation massage prénatal) (1h 15min) Romain VAUDAUX (consultation massage sportif) (1h 15min)
FAQ What is the address of Physio Nations? The address of Physio Nations is located at Rue de Vermont 60, 1202 Genève. You can easily access it by public transport or car. What languages are spoken by Physio Nations? Physio Nations speaks Français, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Arabic And Catalan. Is Physio Nations accepting new patients? Yes, Physio Nations is currently accepting new patients. Feel free to book an appointment online or by phone. What is the phone number of Physio Nations? The phone number of Physio Nations is 079 745 03 99. You can reach us during opening hours for any information. What is the email address of Physio Nations? You can contact Physio Nations by email at the following address: contact@physionations.ch. We usually respond within 24 hours. What is the website of Physio Nations? The website of Physio Nations is https://www.physionations.ch/.