Our services Physiothérapie First Physiotherapy Session (30min) Physiothérapie à domicile (30min) Physiothérapie en bassin (30min) Physiothérapie drainage (30min) Physiothérapie drainage 45 (45min) Massages thérapeutiques Massage (1h) Massage (45min) Massage (30min) Drainage lymphatique (45min) Coaching sportif Coaching (1h) Coaching en piscine aquabiking - aquagym (40min) coaching sportif domicile (1h)
FAQ What is the address of Physiothérapie KAORI? The address of Physiothérapie KAORI is located at Route de la gare 4, 1026 Denges. You can easily access it by public transport or car. What languages are spoken by Physiothérapie KAORI? Physiothérapie KAORI speaks Français. Is Physiothérapie KAORI accepting new patients? Yes, Physiothérapie KAORI is currently accepting new patients. Feel free to book an appointment online or by phone. What is the phone number of Physiothérapie KAORI? The phone number of Physiothérapie KAORI is 021 801 46 47. You can reach us during opening hours for any information.