Our services Les consultations au cabinet de Pully se terminent le mardi 25 mars (45min) Consultation au cabinet de Trabandan dès le 1er avril 2025 (45min)
FAQ What is the address of Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille? The address of Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille is located at Rue de la Gare 8, 1009 Pully. You can easily access it by public transport or car. What languages are spoken by Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille? Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille speaks Français. Is Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille accepting new patients? Yes, Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille is currently accepting new patients. Feel free to book an appointment online or by phone. What is the phone number of Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille? The phone number of Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille is 079 270 38 43. You can reach us during opening hours for any information. What is the email address of Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille? You can contact Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille by email at the following address: vchailleosteo@gmail.com. We usually respond within 24 hours. What is the website of Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille? The website of Cabinet d'ostéopathie Valérie Chaille is https://cabinet-chaille.agenda.ch.