Description Ostéopathie du Flon

Patients registered with Visana are asked to make an appointment with Nicolas Grangier, Clémentine Duplan and Ariane Lafont.  

Opening Hours

Opening Hours
Open now
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
07:30 - 18:30
08:30 - 17:00
Sunday closed
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Book an appointment with Ostéopathie du Flon

Latest reviews

on 23 February 2019
on 21 February 2019
on 20 February 2019
Très professionnel !
on 19 February 2019


What is the address of Ostéopathie du Flon?

The address of Ostéopathie du Flon is located at Rue Adrien-Pichard 20, 1003 Lausanne.
You can easily access it by public transport or car.
Here are the opening hours of Ostéopathie du Flon.
Ostéopathie du Flon is not open on weekends and public holidays.
Ostéopathie du Flon speaks Français.
Yes, Ostéopathie du Flon is currently accepting new patients.
Feel free to book an appointment online or by phone.
The phone number of Ostéopathie du Flon is 078 795 60 38.
You can reach us during opening hours for any information.
The website of Ostéopathie du Flon is

How to find us

Rue Adrien-Pichard 20, 1003 Lausanne
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