Services offered by Cabinet d'Hypnose Maude Favre
Divers Hypnosis
😴 Insomnia/ sleeping issue
Psychogénéalogy Comportementale 60mn
👀 EMDR 45mn - chf 200.-
🎥 Online session - To be payed before session :WINT-REVOLUT
🎥 All hypnosis : 🚭 Online session 60mn / Chf 290- : Payment before session CC-CCP-TWINT-REVOLUT (1h)
🎥 Séance en ligne 45mn / Chf 210.-:🍩 Anneau Gastrique virtuel - 45mn / chf 210.- : En espèce (45min)
Personnal development
😱 Phobia, anxiety, depression, stress, burnout procrastination,
☀️ Self confidence, self esteem, Public speaking - Exams, driving licence
Stop smoking
🍩 Gastric Ring - weight loss
❤️ Meet the ideal partner - change your mecanism of attraction
🙌🏼 Magnetism - with Alexandre De Luca / Paiement : In cash
🍔 Weight loss
🥺Libido, premature ejaculation, menopause, impotence
Regression - Energy Cleansing - DNA -
🏆Pass an exam 🎓/ driving license 🚗
🤯Dealing with narcissisme - toxic/difficult people-
👌🏻Stop nails biting
🍸Addiction/dependance alcohol-cocaine Payement in advance CC-Twint-Revolut-CCP
🫶🏻 Kinesilogy - payment in cash
💔Break up - 🖤Grief - 🤧 Hey fever
🍫 Stop sugar - stop chocolate - snacking
🍼 Hypnobirthing - hypnoconception - fertility - 45mn chi 200.- cash1
🧒Hypnosis for children
🪄Intuitive therapy
🎁 Gift Certificat