Our services Bilan osseux avec densitométrie Riaz, Mardi (30min) Bilan osseux avec densitométrie Riaz ME-JE-VE (35min) Composition corporelle (30min) Bilan osseux avec densitométrie Yverdon (30min) Bilan osseux avec densitométrie Fribourg (30min)
FAQ What is the address of Resos sarl? The address of Resos sarl is located at Rue Georges-Jordil 2, 1700 Fribourg. You can easily access it by public transport or car. What languages are spoken by Resos sarl? Resos sarl speaks Français. Is Resos sarl accepting new patients? Yes, Resos sarl is currently accepting new patients. Feel free to book an appointment online or by phone. What is the phone number of Resos sarl? The phone number of Resos sarl is 026 912 14 70. You can reach us during opening hours for any information. What is the website of Resos sarl? The website of Resos sarl is https://res-os.ch.
How to find us Rue Georges-Jordil 2, 1700 Fribourg Av. des Sciences 2, 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains Rue de l' Hôpital 9, 1632 Riaz Loading map...